ConChord 4

October 7-9, 1988
LAX Airport Hilton

GOH: Bill & Brenda Sutton
Toastmaster: Jordin Kare
Chair: Gary Anderson
Membership $15 till July 5, 1988
$20 Till Worldcon $25 after
Higher at the Door
Supporting $8

ConChord was moved to October and made an annual con this year.

There was a ConChord BBS available at 300 or 1200 baud. Also on Compuserve 72437,674.

The committee included Eric Gerds, Paul & Janet Willett, Rick Weiss, Deborah Leonard, Jeff Rebholtz, Chris Weber & Karen Wilson, and Maura Young. (Maybe Bob Laurent.)

The program book included a suggested Bill of Rights for filkers.


Registration and Dealers Room open at 4pm. At 5pm was equipment setup in the main filking room.

The formal opening was at 8pm for group singing, with One Shots at 10:30pm. The main room was Midwestern Chaos, the second room was Pick/Pass/Play, and the small third room was Anyones Guess.


Registration and Dealers open at 10:00am

Programming for the day started at noon. In the main room was a panel titled "Tablature for the Terminally Torpid", followed by a "Business of Filk" panel. That last panel, "Electronic Computer Music" was at 3pm. In room two at 1pm was a dulcimer workshop followed by the GOH panel.

4:30 pm Concert One
6:30 pm Dinner Break
8:30 pm Concert Two


Everything opened at 10:00am. The only programming was open filking till the end of the con.

This page ©Barney & Kate 2008 | Last Updated March 1, 2015