The Committe consisted of the following filkers:
The official recordings were done by Thor Productions.
Dealers present in the dealers room: Thor Productions, DAG Productions, Unlikely Publications, Carolly Hauksottir, Wail Songs and Ramdom Factors.
There was a Kibitz and Kids Room that was open during concerts. The room had a live feed from the concert room.
The Con started in the early afternoon. (Mostly just early registration.)
Video footage from the early hours of the convention.
7:00pm Voice workshop hosted by Mark Bernstein in Captians A.
8:00pm. There was a fairwell party for Tera Mitchell in Captains B and a Performers Circle in the Concord Room.
10:00am Mark Bernstein hosts a second voice workshop in Captains A. There was a Guitar workshop in Captains B.
12:00pm Joey Shoji interviews Julia Ecklar in Captains B, and there was a Green HIlls Rehearsal in Captians A.
At 1:00pm the two main events took place in the Concord room...
The Totally Tasteless & Tacky Concert Hosted by Basil St. John Volsmirth VII
The Kazoo Awards hosted by John and Mary Creasey
3:00pm The One Shots in the Concord Room and Parady Wars in Captains A.
4:00pm The First Concert. Convention Set List
8:00pm The Second Concert. (Performers include Windbourne, LA Filkharmonics, and Julia Ecklar.
11:00am Two panels to start the day. Captains A had on on Lime Jello. Chris Thorson did a Synthesizer Panel in the Concord room.
12:00 One Shots-The Frags,(Time limited as opposed to song limit), in the Concord Room. A recorder workshop in Captains A.
1:00pm The Final Concert in the Concord Room.
OCTOBER 12: Windbourne travels to Con-Chord 6. Barney and Kate arrive first. (They drove in from Apple Valley. They had been helping Kate's parents move in). While they were waiting for the others, Barney walked around videotaping the few fans that had arrived early. When the rest of the band arrived, we checked into our two rooms, unloaded the cars, ate, and chatted with people. Some people go down to the filks.
OCTOBER 13: Barney goes down to the dealers room and pedals tapes. We haul all of our equipment down to the concert room to set up. Thor asks to borrow a mike, and use of the D-50 for the Totally Tacky and Tasteless Concert. We say sure, no problem. Phillip and Barney find out that Windbourne performs at 8pm, not 2pm like we thought. Phil runs sound for Sandra Kleinschmidt and Barry Gold. The Synth is used in Mysterious Woman. After the Tasteless Concert, is the Kazoo awards. Windbourne wins several of the kazoos. They were, Best Group (four kazoos glued together, and Windbourne played them simultaneously), Best Keyboardist (Kathy Ring), and Best Cheriose, (Harold Groot, Baby Vampire Boogie). Kate Gilmore makes quickie flyers to advertise the Fred Small concert using the Creasey's photocopy machine. Barney and Kate take turns manning the video camera. At 8pm Windbourne performs. The group sings, Let the Birds Fly, Ways of Man, Big Italian Rose, Sometime Tomorrow, and as an encore, Baby Vampire Boogie. Windbourne got a standing ovation. We used a mini sound system with only vocal mikes and the synth going through. Barney ran sound for the performance. After Windbourne was the LA Filkharmonics. Barney ran sound for this group also. There were several other performers, then the convention Guest of Honor, Julia Ecklar sang. The rest of the night people went to the room, ate, some people went to the filk circles, and such.
0CTOBER14: We packed, checked out of our room, wondered around some, Kate and Jane did a song in the One Shots (In the Vineyard), then we hit the road to home.