ConChord 13

Van Nuys Airtel Plaza Hotel
October 2-4, 1998
Guest of Honor: Mary Ellen Wessels
Interfilk Guests: Steve Simmons
Toastmistress: Kathy Mar
Special Guest: Joanna Cazden
Memberships were $25 till March 31, 1998
After that it was $30, kids were $15. At the door price was higher.

The Con Committe

Chair: Nick Smith
Songbook Editor: Lee Gold
Registration & Contests: Dean Thomas
Wep Page &Flyer Publicity: Blars
Special Publicity: Rod O'Riley
Stage Manager: Kate Evans
Concert Sound: Barney Evans
Dealers Room: John & Mary Creasey
Con Suite: Kaya Lee
TT&TR: Alen Thiesen
Recording Egineer: Bob Laurent


Con setup took place in the afternoon. Dealers room opened at some point, and other rooms were open for filking.

7:00 PM Preview & Premiere Party. New releases are showcased.

9:00 PM Karaoke Filk.

11:00 PM Bawdy Song Circle.


10:00 AM Dealers and filk rooms open.

11:00 AM Voice Workshop with Joanna Cazden.

12:00 PM Choral Workshop with Ed Stauff. (Two hours long.)

2:00 PM The Totally Tacky, Tasteless Revue.

3:00 PM Rounds Workshop hosted by Marilyn Miller.

4:00 PM Afternoon Concerts, One Shots, & Choral One Shots.

8:00 PM Evening Concerts

Gary Anderson Memorial Ose following the concert.


11:00 AM Guitar Workshop with Steve Simmons.

12:00 PM Harmony Workshop with Mew.

1:00 PM Sunday Concerts

From the Windbourne History Time Line

OCTOBER 3: Windbourne performs at the ConChord 13 afternoon concert. They did And the Children Shall Lead, There She Goes, Remember When, Regretting What I Said, and The Hills of Home. (Harold joined the group on stage for the last song). Barney ran sound for the convention.

This page ©Barney & Kate Evans 2017| Last Updated February 5, 2017